
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 9/26/18

For the week of 9/26/2018 we presented our presentations to the class and got some well needed feedback on not only our presentation but also what aspects to look at for our overall project. We also got together and established a better itinerary that we can follow and are going to stay on top of our things much more frequently. -Francisco Trejo

Week 9/19/18

For the week of 9/19/2018 we talked about coming up with an itinerary that we could follow more closely to avoid doing things last minute. I unfortunately have personal matters to attend to that week and was not able to meet physically with my group but constant communication over messages were done. -Francisco Trejo

Week 9/12/18

For the week of 9/12/2018 we were tasked to come up with more tangible parameters and have actual numbers with which we can present for next week. Better delegation of roles and tasks were assigned for our team. Further research and continued progress on our project is expected for the upcoming week. -Francisco Trejo

Week 9/5/2018

For the week of 9/5/2018 we were tasked with our first presentation, not having been added to the class on canvas left us a little bit in the dark with what to do. We came together in the end and we were able to have a presentation up summarizing our problem statement and our objectives. Going forward we are going to need to work on communication and better planning in order to succeed in our projects. -Francisco Trejo